Warsztaty i praktyka z Bianca Oliveira

25 – 26 MAJA 2024

Zapraszamy na 2 dniowy warsztat i praktykę Ashtanga Jogi z Biancą Oliveirą posiadającą II stopień autoryzacji. 
Warsztat w całości odbędzie się w języku angielskim.


Sobota, 25.05.
8:00 – 10:00 Mysore
12:00 – 14:00 Core and Inversions
16:00 – 18:00 Yoga Therapy, Pranayama and Relaxation Techniques

Niedziela, 26.05.
8:00 – 10:00 Mysore
12:00 – 14:00 Strong and Bendy

Core and Inversions
Strengthen and stabilize the core of the body to turn upside down to try different headstand variations

Together we will learn, explore and deepen our knowledge and integration of bandhas (or internal locks) and core strength following by techniques to change your world upside down. You will learn practical tools to turn upside down with stability, tranquility and grace. Be ready for a 5 minutes headstand. 
Pranayama and relaxation included.

Yoga Therapy, Pranayama and Relaxation Techniques
Learn new techniques to help you or other people to relax

After a strong and demanding practice, we will soften, stretch and release using body movements and breathing exercises to calm down the nervous system, bringing a sense of deep peace and relaxation in the mind.

Strong and Bendy
Learn and practice techniques to create strength and deeper flexibility in the joints of the body

This is a two part workshop. In the first part we will work deeply on the integration of upper body strength – arms, shoulders and core. We will play with positions like bakasana and bhujapidasana. Second part will focus on opening the body for deepening the backbends in a safe approach. 
Pranayama and relaxation included.

Bianca is an Authorised Level II teacher by the Paramaguru R. Sharath Jois. She took her first yoga class at the age of 18 and felt a deep connection to the practice within body and soul. She started travelling to Mysore, India in 2015 and since then has been dedicating her life entirely to the practice and studies of Ashtanga Yoga. Believing she is an eternal student of yoga, her joy is to share all the benefits this practice can bring to people’s lives, both on and off the mat. Bianca is currently teaching an online Mysore program and also travelling the world for workshops and retreats.


650zł early bird do 29.02.2024, później 750 zł

Warunkiem rezerwacji jest zgłoszenie udziału mailowo na yogashalakrakow@gmail.com, a po potwierdzeniu – wpłacenie bezzwrotnego zadatku w wysokości 400zł. Pozostała kwota płatna na miejscu.
Dane do przelewu:

Ewelina Tarkowska-Bednarczyk nr konta: 08 1160 2202 0000 0000 6805 9255